Squares in Squares
Göbel strips
SVG, high-precision, and categorized list by David Ellsworth
based on original compiled by Erich Friedman

This is a list of Göbel strip packings, shown alongside their alternative packings or rearrangements. For the main list, see Squares in Squares.

Where the word "alternative" is used, this designates an alternative packing, which is enclosed within the same-sized bounding square as another packing, but cannot be reached by continuously translating and/or rotating the squares in that packing. When the packing can be reached by such continuous transformations, the word "rearrangement" is used.

For more information on each packing, view its SVG's source code.

Generalizing from Frits Göbel's findings, with $a \in \mathbb{Z}^+$ and $b=1\!+\!\lfloor{(a\!-\!1)\sqrt 2}\rfloor$, a Göbel strip consists of $n = (a\!+\!1)a\!+\!2\!+\!b$ unit squares packed inside a square of side $s = a\!+\!1\!+\!{1\over 2}\sqrt 2$. This is accomplished by placing a 1-width strip of $b$ squares at a $45°$ angle in the center, flanked by two unrotated squares at the corners, and sandwiched by two unrotated "staircases" each having $a$ steps. This yields the best known packing for all $a\!\lt\!44$ except for $a\!=\!3$.

Most Göbel strips also have a "simplified" alternative packing or rearrangement in which the $45°$ strip can contain $b\!+\!2$ squares, without any unrotated squares flanking it at the corners. If $(3+2\lfloor{(a-1)\sqrt 2}\rfloor)\sqrt 2-4a > 0$, then this is not possible at all, and it can contain no more than $b$ squares. Otherwise, if $(3+\lfloor{(a-1)\sqrt 2}\rfloor)\sqrt 2-2a-2 > 0$, then the strip can only contain $b\!+\!1$ squares, and needs to be flanked at one corner by an unrotated square.

David W. Cantrell found in 2005 that there are alternative packings with minimal rotated squares for $s(27)$ and later, filling them out up to $s(84)$. David Ellsworth noticed that the $s(52)$ with minimal rotated squares is rigid (which coincides with its Göbel strip counterpart have very little space to slide), and later found that the pattern of rigid packings continues for every $a ≡ 1\!\mod\!5$.

David Ellsworth found in 2024 that whereas the general formula for the number of minimal rotated squares (i.e. number of copies of $s(5)$ in the packing) is $\lfloor{(2a+3)/5}\rfloor$, the number of rotated squares needed to match the efficiency of the Göbel strip is $\lfloor{(a-1)\sqrt 2}\rfloor+2-a$. Up to and including $s(331)$, these two formulae agree with each other (because $\sqrt 2\!-\!1 \approx 0.4$), but at $s(369)$, they differ for the first time. Following that point there are only $26$ more minimal rotated square packings for which they agree (out of $53$), the last one being $s(5213)$. This includes all of the rigid ones, which is not a coincidence – they have the least wasted space. But since Göbel strips are inoptimal starting at $s(2043)$ or possibly earlier, there are actually only at most $9$ alternative packings with minimal rotated squares for Göbel strips that may be optimal that are lost due to the divergence between the two formulae: $s(369)$, $s(586)$, $s(853)$, $s(974)$, $s(1170)$, $s(1311)$, $s(1537)$, $s(1698)$, and $s(1954)$.

Starting at $s(18)$, there is another type of Göbel strip, in which the strip is $b+1$ squares long, and is touched by the two unrotated squares in the corners, not the two "staircases" as the others are. These have $n = (a\!+\!1)a\!+\!3\!+\!b$ and $s = 2\!+\!(b\!+\!1){1\over 2}\sqrt 2$, and have a chance at being optimal when $\{s-{1\over 2}\sqrt 2\}$ is small. For example, with $a=13$, $n=202$ and $\{s-{1\over 2}\sqrt 2\} \approx 0.02081528$ which is indeed small.


$s = 2 + { 1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{2.70710678118654}$
Proved by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.


$s = 3 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{3.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
$s = 3 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{3.70710678118654}$
$s = 3 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{3.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares.
Adds an "L" to $s(5)$.


$s = 4 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{4.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Not optimal.
$s = 4 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{4.70710678118654}$
$s = 4 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{4.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares.
Adds two "L"s to $s(5)$.
$s = {7\over 3} + {5\over 3}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{4.69035593728849}$
Found by Pertti Hämäläinen
in 1980.
Beats the Göbel strip.
$s = {}^{18}🔒 = \Nn{4.67553009360455}$ $4775s^{18}-190430s^{17}+3501307s^{16}-39318012s^{15}+300416928s^{14}-1640654808s^{13}+6502333062s^{12}-18310153596s^{11}+32970034584s^{10}-18522084588s^9-93528282146s^8+350268230564s^7-662986732745s^6+808819596154s^5-660388959899s^4+358189195800s^3-126167814419s^2+26662976550s-2631254953=0$
Improved by John Bidwell
in 1998.
Beats the Göbel strip.


$s = 2 + 2 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{4.82842712474619}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Not optimal.
$s = 2 + 2 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{4.82842712474619}$
Rigid alternative found by David Ellsworth in December 2024.
Not optimal.
$s = {7\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{4.82287565553229}$
Found by Pertti Hämäläinen
in 1980.
Beats the Göbel strip.


$s = 5 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{5.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
$s = 5 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{5.70710678118654}$
$s = 5 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{5.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares found by David W. Cantrell
in 2005.


$s = 6 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{6.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
$s = 6 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{6.70710678118654}$
$s = 6 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{6.70710678118654}$
Mirror-symmetric alternative with minimal rotated squares found by
David W. Cantrell in 2005.
$s = 6 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{6.70710678118654}$
Rotationally symmetric rearrangement of alternative with minimal rotated squares by David Ellsworth in December 2024.


$s = 7 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{7.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
$s = 7 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{7.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares found by David W. Cantrell
in 2005.


$s = 8 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{8.70710678118654}$
Found by Evert Stenlund
in early 1980, extending the $s(52)$
found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 8 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{8.70710678118654}$
$s = 8 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{8.70710678118654}$
Alternative constructed by adding an "L" to the $s(52)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 8 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{8.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares found by David W. Cantrell
in June 2023.


$s = 9 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.70710678118654}$
Found by Evert Stenlund
in early 1980, extending the $s(52)$
found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 9 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.70710678118654}$
$s = 9 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.70710678118654}$
Rearrangement. Can also be constructed by adding an "L" to the $s(67)$ that extends the $s(52)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 9 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.70710678118654}$
Alternative constructed by adding two "L"s to the $s(52)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 9 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares found by David W. Cantrell
in 2005.


$s = 2 + {11\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.77817459305202}$
Found by Evert Stenlund
in early 1980.
Extends the $s(18)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Not optimal.
$s = {11\over 2} + 3 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.74264068711928}$
Found by Erich Friedman
in 1997.
Beats the Göbel strip.
$s = {11\over 2} + 3 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.74264068711928}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares.


$s = 10 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{10.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 10 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{10.70710678118654}$
$s = 10 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{10.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 11 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{11.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 11 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{11.70710678118654}$
$s = 11 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{11.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 12 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{12.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 12 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{12.70710678118654}$
$s = 12 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{12.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares found by David Ellsworth in November 2024, based on the rigid $s(52)$ found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.


$s = 13 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{13.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 13 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{13.70710678118654}$
$s = 13 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{13.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 14 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 14 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.70710678118654}$
$s = 14 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.70710678118654}$
Mirror-symmetric alternative with minimal rotated squares arranged by David Ellsworth in December 2024, based on the technique found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.
$s = 14 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.70710678118654}$
Rotationally symmetric alternative with minimal rotated squares arranged by David W. Cantrell in December 2024.
$s = 14 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.70710678118654}$
Alternative combining the $s(52)$ rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares found by David W. Cantrell in 2005, and the $s(51)$ found by Károly Hajba
in July 2009.


$s = {21\over 2} + 3 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.74264068711928}$
Found by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by extending the $s(85)$ found by Erich Friedman in 1997.
Didn't set a record.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{14.73657855744445}$ $776s^4-(33320+336\sqrt{2})s^3+(528568+7752\sqrt{2})s^2-(3662244+43296\sqrt{2})s+9301325-28968\sqrt{2}=0$ $6208s^8-533120s^7+19900352s^6-421620160s^5+5543230416s^4-46288934864s^3+239607688384s^2-702396496296s+891886272841=0$
Improved by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by adapting the technique from the $s(37)$ found by
David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
Didn't set a record.
$s = 2 + 9 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.72792206135785}$
Extends the $s(18)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.


$s = 15 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 15 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.70710678118654}$
$s = 15 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 16 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{16.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 16 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{16.70710678118654}$
$s = 16 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{16.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 17 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{17.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 17 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{17.70710678118654}$
$s = 17 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{17.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares, based on the rigid $s(52)$ found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.


$s = 18 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{18.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 18 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{18.70710678118654}$
$s = 18 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{18.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)

$s = 19 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{19.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 19 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{19.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.


$s = 20 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{20.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 20 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{20.70710678118654}$
$s = 20 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{20.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 21 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{21.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 21 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{21.70710678118654}$
$s = 21 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{21.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 22 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{22.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 22 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{22.70710678118654}$
$s = 22 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{22.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares, based on the rigid $s(52)$ found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.


$s = 23 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{23.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 23 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{23.70710678118654}$
$s = 23 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{23.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)



$s = 24 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{24.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 24 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{24.70710678118654}$
$s = 24 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{24.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 25 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{25.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 25 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{25.70710678118654}$
$s = 25 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{25.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 26 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{26.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 26 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{26.70710678118654}$
$s = 26 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{26.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 27 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{27.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 27 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{27.70710678118654}$
$s = 27 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{27.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares, based on the rigid $s(52)$ found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.


$s = 28 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{28.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 28 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{28.70710678118654}$
$s = 28 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{28.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)



$s = 29 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{29.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 29 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{29.70710678118654}$
$s = 29 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{29.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 30 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{30.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 30 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{30.70710678118654}$
$s = 30 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{30.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 31 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{31.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 31 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{31.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 32 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{32.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 32 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{32.70710678118654}$
$s = 32 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{32.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares, based on the rigid $s(52)$ found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.


$s = 33 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{33.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 33 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{33.70710678118654}$
$s = 33 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{33.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)



$s = 34 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{34.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 34 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{34.70710678118654}$
$s = 34 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{34.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 35 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{35.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 35 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{35.70710678118654}$
$s = 35 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{35.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 36 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{36.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 36 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{36.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 37 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{37.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 37 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{37.70710678118654}$
$s = 37 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{37.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares, based on the rigid $s(52)$ found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.


$s = 38 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{38.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 38 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{38.70710678118654}$
$s = 38 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{38.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)



$s = 39 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{39.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 39 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{39.70710678118654}$
$s = 39 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{39.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 40 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{40.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 40 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{40.70710678118654}$
$s = 40 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{40.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)



$s = 41 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{41.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 41 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{41.70710678118654}$
$s = 41 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{41.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 42 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{42.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 42 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{42.70710678118654}$
$s = 42 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{42.70710678118654}$
Rigid alternative with minimal rotated squares, based on the rigid $s(52)$ found by David W. Cantrell in 2005.


$s = 43 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{43.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 43 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{43.70710678118654}$
$s = 43 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{43.70710678118654}$
Alternative with minimal rotated squares
(SVG not made yet)

$s = 2 + {59\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{43.71930009000630}$
Extends the $s(18)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.


$s = 44 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{44.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 44 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{44.70710678118654}$
No alternative with minimal
rotated squares exists, as found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
(SVG not made yet)


$s = 45 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{45.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Not optimal.
$s = {}^{12}🔒 = \Nn{45.69644276992823}$ $4s^{12}-1608s^{11}+293084s^{10}-31920420s^9+2301941449s^8-114905182392s^7+4022452365218s^6-97595016541596s^5+1574653827588509s^4-15396232508703888s^3+72639007870740216s^2-58090491554723760s+46014771089277232=0$
Found by David Ellsworth
in December 2024.
Beats the Göbel strip.


$s = 46 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{46.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Not optimal.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{46.69429881401871}$ $s^4-123s^3+5644s^2-127660s+1423760=0$
Found by David Ellsworth
in December 2024.
Beats the Göbel strip.

For more details, see Erich Friedman's paper on the subject: Packing Unit Squares in Squares: A Survey and New Results (or David Ellsworth's edit).