$s = 2 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{2.70710678118654}$
Proved by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
$s = 3 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{3.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Proved by Walter Stromquist in 2003.
Explore group
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{3.87708359002281}$
$s^8 - 20s^7 + 178s^6 - 842s^5 + 1923s^4 - 496s^3 - 6754s^2 + 12420s - 6865 = 0$
Found by Walter Trump
in 1979.
$s = {}^{18}🔒 = \Nn{4.67553009360455}$
Found by John Bidwell
in 1998.
Based on packing found by Pertti Hämäläinen in 1980.
$s = {7\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{4.82287565553229}$
Found by Pertti Hämäläinen
in 1980.
$s = 3 + {4\over 3}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{4.88561808316412}$
Found first by Robert Wainwright
in late 1979.
Based on packing found by Charles Cottingham
in early 1979.
$s = {7\over 2} + {3\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{5.62132034355964}$
Found by Erich Friedman
in 1997.
Unextends the $s(66)$ found by
Evert Stenlund in 1980.
$s = 5 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{5.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 3 + 2 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{5.82842712474619}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = \Nn{5.93434180499654}$
Found by Thierry Gensane
and Philippe Ryckelynck
in April 2004.
Fits an $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern found
by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
Explore group
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{6.59861960924436}$
Found by David W. Cantrell
in September 2002.
$s = 6 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{6.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{6.81880916998841}$
Found by David W. Cantrell
in August 2002.
$s = 4 + 2 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{6.82842712474619}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{6.93786550630255}$
Found by Joe DeVincentis
in April 2014.
Fits an $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern.
Explore group
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{7.59861960924436}$
Found by David W. Cantrell
in September 2002.
$s = {}^{28}🔒 = \Nn{7.70435372947124}$
Found by Károly Hajba
in July 2009.
$s = 7 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{7.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {}^{32}🔒 = \Nn{7.82290804413284}$
Found by David W. Cantrell
in September 2002.
Improved by David W. Cantrell
in December 2024.
$\begin{aligned}s &= 7-{1\over 2}\sqrt 2+\sqrt{1+\sqrt 2} \\ &= \Nn{7.84666719284348}\end{aligned}$
Found by David W. Cantrell
in October 2005.
Improved by Joe DeVincentis
in April 2014.
$s = \Nn{7.95419161110664}$
Found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014. Improved by David Ellsworth and David W. Cantrell in June & August 2023 and David Ellsworth in November 2024.
Fits an $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern.
Explore group
$s = 5 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{8.53553390593273}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 3 + 4 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{8.65685424949238}$
Found by Evert Stenlund
in 1980.
$s = 8 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{8.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s={13\over 3}+2\sqrt 5=\Nn{8.80546928833291}$
Found by Sigvart Brendberg
in June 2023.
$s = {}^{82}🔒 = \Nn{8.82721205592900}$
Found by Maurizio Morandi
in June 2010.
Improved by David W. Cantrell
in August 2023.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{8.88166675700900}$
Found by Joe DeVincentis
in April 2014.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{8.96028765944389}$
Found by Joe DeVincentis
in April 2014.
Fits an $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern.
Explore group
$s = 6 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.53553390593273}$
Found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Adds two "L"s to $s(65)$.
$s = {}^{24}🔒 = \Nn{9.63482562092335}$
Found by Károly Hajba
in September 2024.
Improves upon the earlier $s(83)$ that
added an "L" to the $s(66)$ found by
Evert Stenlund in 1980.
Improved by David W. Cantrell
in November 2024.
Extends the $s(17)$ found by
John Bidwell in 1998.
$s = 9 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.70710678118654}$
Found by Frits Göbel
in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {11\over 2} + 3 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.74264068711928}$
Found by Erich Friedman
in 1997.
$s = {17\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{9.82287565553229}$
Found by Erich Friedman
in 1997.
$s = {}^{6}🔒 = \Nn{9.85197533993158}$
Found by Evert Stenlund
in 1980.
Improved by David W. Cantrell
in August 2002.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{9.888160100452437}$
Found by Erich Friedman in 1997.
Improved by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by adapting and extending the technique from the $s(37)$ found by David W. Cantrell
in September 2002.
$s = 5 + {7\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{9.94974746830583}$
Found by Evert Stenlund in 1980,
by continuing a pattern found
by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 7 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{10.53553390593273}$
Adds two "L"s to the $s(65)$ found
by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{10.61350257784129}$
Found by Károly Hajba
in September 2024.
Improved by David W. Cantrell and
David Ellsworth in November 2024,
by extending the $s(37)$ found by
David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
103, 104
$s = 10 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{10.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {19\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{10.82287565553229}$
Adds an "L" to the $s(86)$ found by Erich Friedman in 1997.
$s = {}^{32}🔒 = \Nn{10.82297973416944}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024, based on the
$s(53)$ found by David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
Improved by David W. Cantrell
in December 2024.
$\begin{aligned}s &= 10-{1\over 2}\sqrt 2+\sqrt{1+\sqrt 2} \\ &= \Nn{10.84666719284348}\end{aligned}$
Found by Károly Hajba
in November 2024.
Is an alternative packing for an extension of the $s(54)$ found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
$s = {}^{144}🔒 = \Nn{10.92591939016138}$
Found by Károly Hajba
in October 2024.
Improved by David Ellsworth
in November 2024.
$s = 6 + {7\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{10.94974746830583}$
Continues a pattern found
by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 8 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{11.53553390593273}$
Adds three "L"s to the $s(65)$ found
by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = {}^{12}🔒 = \Nn{11.60304782603491}$
Found by David Ellsworth in December 2024, by extending the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024 and adapting and extending the technique from the $s(37)$ found by David W. Cantrell in September 2002 and the $s(130)$ improvement by David W. Cantrell in November 2024.
$s = 6 + 4 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{11.65685424949238}$
Continues a pattern found
by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 11 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{11.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
126, 127
$s = {21\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{11.82287565553229}$
Extends the $s(86)$ found by
Erich Friedman in 1997.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{11.82629667551039}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024, based on the $s(69)$
found by Maurizio Morandi in June 2010.
129, 130
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{11.91119052015898}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024.
Improved by David W. Cantrell
in November 2024.
Improved by David Ellsworth
in November 2024.
Extends the $s(88)$ found by Erich Friedman in 1997; adapts and extends the $s(37)$ improvement by
David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
$s = \Nn{11.97350182495032}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024.
Fits an $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern found
by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
Explore group
$s = \Nn{11.99790201730589}$
Found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
Bounds the $s(n^2-n)=n$ conjecture to $n<12$.
$s = 9 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{12.53553390593273}$
Adds four "L"s to the $s(65)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = {}^{12}🔒 = \Nn{12.60304782603491}$
Adds an "L" to the $s(123)$ found by
David Ellsworth in December 2024.
147, 148
$s = 7 + 4 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{12.65685424949238}$
Continues a pattern found
by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 12 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{12.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {23\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{12.82287565553229}$
Extends and adds an "L" to the $s(86)$ found by Erich Friedman in 1997.
$s = {{3154 - 26\sqrt 6}\over 241} = \Nn{12.82287662525990}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024.
152, 153
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{12.88166675700900}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024, based on the $s(70)$
found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
$s = \Nn{12.97350182495032}$
Adds an "L" to the $s(131)$ found by
David Ellsworth in November 2024.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{12.97970624703929}$
Continues the $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
Explore group
$s = \Nn{12.99404229036268}$
Found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
Shows $s(n^2-n)<n$ for $n=13$.
$s = 10 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{13.53553390593273}$
Adds five "L"s to the $s(65)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{13.59861960924436}$
Combines two copies of the $s(37)$ found by David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{13.61970688383567}$
Found by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by extending the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024 and improved by David W. Cantrell and David Ellsworth in November 2024.
$s = 8 + 4 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{13.65685424949238}$
Adds an "L" to the $s(148)$ which continues a pattern found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 13 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{13.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{13.81880916998841}$
Combines two copies of the $s(39)$ found by David W. Cantrell
in August 2002.
$s = {25\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{13.82287565553229}$
Extends the $s(86)$ found by
Erich Friedman in 1997.
$s = {}^{32}🔒 = \Nn{13.82302875075647}$
Found and improved by David Ellsworth in November 2024 and in December 2024, based on the $s(53)$ found/improved by David W. Cantrell in September 2002 and December 2024, respectively.
$\begin{aligned}s &= 13-{1\over 2}\sqrt 2+\sqrt{1+\sqrt 2} \\ &= \Nn{13.84666719284348}\end{aligned}$
Extends the $s(54)$ found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{13.93786550630255}$
Combines two copies of the $s(41)$ found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014, which fits an $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{13.97970624703929}$
Adds an "L" to $s(155)$, which continues the $s(n^2\!-\!n\!-\!1)$ pattern found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
181, 182
$s = \Nn{13.98318264138415}$
Found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
Shows $s(n^2-n)<n$ for $n=14$.
$s = 11 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.53553390593273}$
Adds six "L"s to the $s(65)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{14.59153604974246}$
Found by David Ellsworth in December 2024, by extending the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024 and adapting and extending the technique from the $s(37)$ found by
David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{14.61970688383567}$
Adds an "L" to $s(172)$, which extends the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024 and improved by David W. Cantrell and David Ellsworth in November 2024.
$s = 9 + 4 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.65685424949238}$
Adds two "L"s to the $s(148)$ which continues a pattern found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = 14 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 2 + 9 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.72792206135785}$
Extends the $s(18)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
203, 204
$s = {27\over 2} + {1\over 2}\sqrt 7 = \Nn{14.82287565553229}$
Extends the $s(86)$ found by
Erich Friedman in 1997.
$s = 12 + 2 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{14.82842712474619}$
Found by Károly Hajba in November 2024, by extending the $s(28)$ and $s(40)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
206, 207
$s = {}^{12}🔒 = \Nn{14.89564154083791}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024, by extending the $s(88)$ found by Erich Friedman in 1997, and adapting and extending the technique from the $s(37)$ found by David W. Cantrell in September 2002 and the $s(130)$ improvement by David W. Cantrell in November 2024.
208, 209, 210
$s = \Nn{14.98318264138415}$
Found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
Shows $s(n^2-n)<n$ for $n=15$.
$s = 12 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.53553390593273}$
Adds seven "L"s to the $s(65)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{15.59153604974246}$
Adds an "L" to $s(198)$, which extends the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024, and was improved by David Ellsworth in December 2024.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{15.61205342220945}$
Found by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by extending the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024 and improved by David W. Cantrell and David Ellsworth in November 2024.
$s = 10 + 4 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.65685424949238}$
Adds three "L"s to the $s(148)$ which continues a pattern found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
230, 231
$s = 15 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
232, 233
$s = 8 + {11\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.77817459305202}$
Continues a pattern found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = 13 + 2 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.82842712474619}$
Extends the $s(40)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$\begin{aligned}s &= 15-{1\over 2}\sqrt 2+\sqrt{1+\sqrt 2} \\ &= \Nn{15.84666719284348}\end{aligned}$
Combines two copies of the $s(54)$ found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{15.87893084682989}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024, by extending the $s(88)$ found by Erich Friedman in 1997 and adapting the $s(102)$ improvement by David W. Cantrell in November 2024.
237, 238
$s = 11 + {7\over 2} \sqrt 2 = \Nn{15.94974746830583}$
Extends the $s(109)$ which continues a pattern found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
239, 240
$s = \Nn{15.98318264138415}$
Originally found by Károly Hajba
in September 2015.
Bounded the $s(n^2-n)=n$ conjecture to $n<16$.
Improvement based on the $s(210)$ found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
$s = \Nn{15.99379865105946}$
Found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
Shows $s(n^2-n+1) \lt n$ for $n=16$.
Improved by David Ellsworth in November 2024.
Improved again by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by adapting a technique from the $s(240)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2015.
$s = 13 + {5\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{16.53553390593273}$
Adds eight "L"s to the $s(65)$ found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{16.58884686366654}$
Found by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by extending the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024 and adapting and extending the technique from the $s(37)$ found by
David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{16.60651495297546}$
Found by David Ellsworth in December 2024, by extending the $s(102)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2024 and adapting and extending the technique from the $s(37)$ found by
David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
$s = 11 + 4 \sqrt 2 = \Nn{16.65685424949238}$
Adds four "L"s to the $s(148)$ which continues a pattern found by Frits Göbel in early 1979.
261, 262
$s = 16 + {1\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{16.70710678118654}$
Extends the $s(52)$ found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
263, 264, 265
$s = 9 + {11\over 2}\sqrt 2 = \Nn{16.77817459305202}$
Continues a pattern found by
Frits Göbel in early 1979.
Explore group
$s = {}^{32}🔒 = \Nn{16.82306208283780}$
Found and improved by David Ellsworth in November 2024 and in December 2024, based on the $s(53)$ found/improved by David W. Cantrell in September 2002 and December 2024, respectively.
$\begin{aligned}s &= 16-{1\over 2}\sqrt 2+\sqrt{1+\sqrt 2} \\ &= \Nn{16.84666719284348}\end{aligned}$
Extends the $s(107)$ found by
Károly Hajba in November 2024.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{16.88166675700900}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024, based on the $s(70)$
found by Joe DeVincentis in April 2014.
$s = {}^{8}🔒 = \Nn{16.90810332579893}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in November 2024, by extending the $s(88)$ found by Erich Friedman in 1997, and adapting and extending the technique from the $s(37)$ found by David W. Cantrell in September 2002.
270, 271, 272
$s = \Nn{16.98318264138415}$
Originally found by Lars Cleemann between 1991 and 1998.
Bounded the $s(n^2-n)=n$ conjecture to $n<17$.
Improvement based on the $s(210)$ found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
$s = \Nn{16.99379865105946}$
Found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
Shows $s(n^2-n+1) \lt n$ for $n=17$.
Improved by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by adapting a technique from the $s(240)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2015.
$s = \Nn{17.99379865105946}$
Found by M.Z. Arslanov, S.A. Mustafin, and Z.K. Shangitbayev in March 2019.
Shows $s(n^2-n+1) \lt n$ for $n=18$.
Improved by David Ellsworth in November 2024, by adapting a technique from the $s(240)$ found by Károly Hajba in September 2015.
$s = {}^{62}🔒 = \Nn{38.62811880681648}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in December 2024.
Extends the $s(17)$ found by John Bidwell in 1998, and the $s(83)$ improved by David W. Cantrell in November 2024.
See also $s(446)$, $s(682)$, and $s(968)$, none of which are optimal.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{42.48797851186022}$
Found by Károly Hajba
in November 2024.
Bounds $\{s(n^2\!+\!1)\} \ge {1\over 2}$ to $n \lt 42$.
Beats the $s(1765)$ Göbel square.
Improved by David Ellsworth
in November 2024.
$s = {}^{4}🔒 = \Nn{43.48878088476276}$
Found by Michael J. Kearney
and Peter Shiu in June 2001.
Bounded $\{s(n^2\!+\!1)\} \ge {1\over 2}$ to $n \lt 43$.
$s = {}^{12}🔒 = \Nn{45.69644276992823}$
Found by David Ellsworth
in December 2024.
Beats the $s(2043)$ Göbel strip.